Saturday 7 June 2014

WHEELS. . . 32years strong.

 The famous Wheels may only be 'local' but this company is known across The Globe. When they first opened, owner Rod had to go through a bullshit copyright fight with some FN rock mag that the world has long forgotten about, just so that he could name his company after the product that he was selling. . .wheels!
What a bunch, but this is the way that you will always be greeted, full of smiles and total politeness at ALL times. These guys are the masters of customer service. . .bar none!
The sign says it all. The road has sometimes been rocky but Rod and his son Paul ride the bumps like ripples on a pond.
Wheels is the place for all our tyres, my rims and just as importantly, these guys are the best metal polishers and are religiously used by Hodgeys for all types of metal polishing.
By the way, I think the sign says it all. . .

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