Saturday 7 June 2014

VW Volksrod Pick-up. . .

Geez, I might as well say it now and get it out of the way. Seems as if I was wrong. . .again. FN cars, apparently this thing is called a Volksrod and not a VW Rat Rod, sheeez, my mistake.
Hand-made/custom, call 'em what you like but these new sills follow the lines of the body beautifully. . .
 Inside the cabin you can see reinforcement panels being welded in to add strength to areas that sadly need it. . .
More custom repairs by Dylan. This area was full of tin maggot holes and looked like a frigging termite mound. There's a fair bit of moulding of new steel, welding and grinding to get things looking normal again. . .good work 'D'.
Hodgey has been at it again and doing what he does best, making the unworkable actually work. Custom made steering system with a combination of parts from other cars and hand-made pieces to make it all come together.
Master Craftsman. . .just need him to do some more of his witchcraft on a certain HJ Prem down in the back corner. Poor thing, I had to put a blanket on it the other day to keep it warm!

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