Monday 30 June 2014

'56 Ford Victoria . . .

 Custom made dash is full of Auto-meter guages and look great . . .
 Apart from the new dash and guage cluster the steering wheel is billet and the steering column is an adjustable unit from Flaming River . . .
Dave has been running around all day like someone has lit a fire under him. After finishing the chassis connectors on the EH Wagon, he has now moved on to dismantling the Vicky ready for its tub job. It's not going to be an easy task so the boys, or Dave in particular, might have to do a smoke and mirrors job and move a few things around to get the huge tubs to fit. The first thing to go will be the floor and then the chassis rails will have to be moved inboards. As I said at the start, the boys will have to keep things all fired up . . .

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