Tuesday 17 June 2014

What to do. . .???

 Rudi's Studebaker is off to the glaziers for a full fillout of glass, only problem is that the fucking tilt -tray hasn't turned up to transport the car. What do you do? Ringing around and you end up with quotes up to $99 per trip. . .WTF?
As you can see from the above pic, the '34 Ford Pick-up is waiting in line behind Rudi's Studie. It's waiting for a trip to the exhaust centre for the exhaust to be modified and re-fitted, but where's the fucking tilt tray? Any of you guys have a tilt-tray for hire and run a reliable business? Anyone got a really good car trailer that we can borrow for a few bucks?  We even have had one gent, and I use the term loosely, he won't even answer his phone! How the fuck can we get cars transported when the trade won't even answer their fucking phones Gary???

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