Thursday 12 June 2014

EH Wagon . . .

 An EH wagon all the way from Sydney arrived with a lot of the panel works already completed and the interior well on the way to being finished also, but then as in so many cases the owner wants decides to go in a different direction. Mini tubs, shortened diff with big rims and of course the six has to make way for a V8. . .
 As you can see in this pic, Dave has cut out the rear wheel arches right in the middle ready for a bit of widening. You can also see new enamel paint, hood-lining and gauges up front, as I said, things had been progressing fairly well before the change of direction. I also believe that there will be a change in paint scheme also?
 Dave, hard at it underneath, cutting the wheel wells out to the chassis rails with the power saw. Hard work and a dangerous job, if that bloody saw suddenly 'grabs' into the metal, the bastard of a thing could throw you across the room. . .
Dave has cut the arches completely out to the rails and you can see him measuring up the second half of the rear tub so that it can be trimmed up and welded into its new position. After welding, this will leave approx., one inch gap right around the wheel arch which is filled with a welded stip of thin gauge steel and will look like it's meant to be there. This is also why these are called mini-tubs and not full blown tub job which would require the chassis rails to be cut up and moved further in-board . . .

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