Tuesday 10 June 2014

Long Weekend Blues . . .

 The day after a long weekend is always slow to get going and plenty of customers dropping by to see how things are progressing, all adds up to Long Weekend Blues. It's the time when all things appear to be going slow but in actual fact there is plenty happening. Dave has the Taranto beast back in one piece and the new tow-bar is snuggly hidden away. . .geez they look good and are strong enough to pull a few rolls of money out of Gary's pocket and anyone or anything that can do that is bloody super human!!!
This is all you see from behind and when I left the shed Dave was making up a custom mount for the trailer plug and then the job is finished. As for the other jobs in the shed, it's lke the big Fella said, "With all these little finish-off jobs, you can spend two days on  a car and it still looks like you haven't touched it" True words folks, it's the little shitty jobs that take up all the time. That's what he keeps telling me about my HJ Prem anyway, and who am I to question that theory???  Until tomorrow. . .

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