Tuesday 10 June 2014

Milestone . . .

Hey Guys,
Just to let you know that we have now had over half a million visitors to this blog site. Just goes to show how many of you are interested in what the Big Fella and his Boys are turning out.
We would like to thank all of you for your visits and we intend on keeping things pumping, so you guys keep clicking your mouses and we'll keep you updated. With all the proposed changes from our duly elected beaurocrats and more powers to the dog squad there's gotta be changes to the way we mod our cars and bikes, rest assured fellas, we have one of, if not, the best Engineers on the team and we will keep you all informed on any updates or changes from the sheep in the top paddock.
Drop in or drop us a line we love hearing from you.
Remember if you want to make any comments on any of the posts, just click on the little pencil figure at the bottom of each post and you're in. . .

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