Friday 27 June 2014

Shorty's Other Shit . . .

 When I arrived today I find that Hodgey has mounted Shorty's Harley onto the 'Bike Jig' ready for the major shake-up that's coming. . .
 Another view of the bike in the jig. It's hard to get good access pics of the bikes when there is so much going on in the background. If you look carefully you can see Shorty's '32 chassis is finished and ready to return. . .
 WTF, Dave's wondering what the cloud of dust is and comes for a look over Hodgey's shoulder? This is what I walked into when I arrived, a cloud of white powder and Hodgey grinding happily away on Shorty's tank. . .
 Everyone wants something different and Shorty wants his tank with the fuel guage removed and the other parts covered and smoothed. . .
Just another look at the new 'shaved' tank. . .

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