Friday 4 October 2013

Thanks to the Big Fella . . .

Gotta give credit where credit is due folks and for that reason I would like to thank all the guys at the shed. I have to get a RWC to change over the names on my son's ute and of course there were a cople of things to do, including the front brakes. Well Hodgey said here you go, take Dylan all day and get the work done properly between the two of you.
Yep you guessed it, it was a total fuck-up from the very beginning including me braking a brake caliper bolt off inside the front strut. Things went downhill from there, you wouldn't believe the trouble that bastard of a bolt gave us. Eventually we broke three drills, two ezi-outs and one new tapping die just to get the hole back in shape ready for the new brake pads, taking about three hours just for the one hole!
I sincerely owe Andrew and the gus a debt of gratitude seeing as I just cost him nearly a whole day's bloody wages. Sorry mate, but I'm truly thankful . . .

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