Monday 7 October 2013

FE Holden . . .

There are those amongst us who are not true believers and they should pray to the good Lord for forgiveness for there are others around us who continue to toil, and sneak off to car shows up the bush, on all the little jobs that turn a great car into a safer and greater car. All bullshit aside folks, this car is undergoing some major structural changes and Hodgey won't let it leave the shed unless it it completely safe and it's the important 'little' jobs that make a huge difference.
 The four link system as supplied left a gap of about four inches between the chassis and the trailing arm mount, not only did it look untidy, but Hodgey decided that it would be structurally sounder to box the section in and make it look neater at the same time. Let's face it, these cars weren't designed to handle the huge amounts of horsepower that we throw at them these days.

This pic shows the ugly gap left between the hanging arm and the chassis rail. . .

As you can see, Hodgey has now boxed in this area and apart from being a helluva lot stronger, when painted it will look ten times better than a huge gap just sitting there. When you look at it, the first thing that you think is that there is something missing and there shouldn't be a gap like that just sitting there. This way Hodgey fills the awkward gap and strengthens the whole process. And BTW, these little jobs give huge results but take a lot of time to measure up and then be hand made and fitted. There's no instruction book on this stuff folks, just the best brains in the business, AKA Mr Hodges. . .

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