Thursday 17 October 2013

New Work Ute . . .

 Hodgey decided that there was just enough time after the tow truck job to mark out the roof chop on the work ute. Once the boys get those power hacksaws going it doesn't take long to remove the scalp of the old timer . . .
 Relief cuts made into the rear cabin section so that when the two remaining pieces are brought together and beaten into shape, there is enough room in the relief cut to remove the excess steel.
 Poor old Dylan, whenever he had to get into the cabin section to help out with the moulding together of the upper and lower sections there seemed to be some strange odour that was rather off-putting and made it very hard to concentrate, The only common occurance before Dylan's entry to the cabin was Dave's exit from the cabin. Maybe the two strange phenomena could be linked somehow?
5inch roof chop and the cabin is sitting back on the Toyota chassis and looking good, even if I must say so myself . . .
Front on view of the new cabin section and she looks bitchin'. This is gonna be one crazy work ute, complete with triple strombergs sitting on top of a particularly attitude proned Cleveland.

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