Monday 21 October 2013

New Work Ute . . .

This is what happens when you chop about 5inches out of the roof of your car, you need to section your doors to makes the bloody things fit again . . .
Speaking of the roof line, The Dylanator has been spending a few hours, nearly all fucking day, on tidying up the joins where the roof line re-meets the cabin . . .
 This is the roofine finding its way onto the windscreen pillar. Smal windscreen to be looking out of, especially with Hodgey's big block of a head . . .
 Most folks wouldn't know this, but this picture is one of the rarest images on print at the moment, Dylan actually doing some work on a Monday, this is scarcer than rocking horse shit!
Well here's the progress so far flks, kinda looks like it should be starring in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or some fucked up rare-arsed flick of that era. Wouldn't surprise me if Mary Poppins jumped out of the back seat with a few dozen penguins?

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