Monday 19 January 2015

Sun time, fun time, trike time. . .

Looks like the sunshine has finally enticed Phil Clohesy to trickle the old trike out for a trundle? This is the first time in a 'very' long time that this beast has been on the roads, and from what Phil was saying it certainly lets him know who's the fucking boss, trying to throw him out of the saddle at every set of ripple bumps or any decent hole in the road. Good luck there mate, it's pretty fucking hard to find a decent section of road in Ballarat without huge bloody holes in it!

There she is folks, the only one of its type in Australia. Phil was saying that he knows of three street driven, super-charged Hogs in Australia, and this is the only one of the three of them with this type of super-charger. One hundred cubic inches of super-charged Hogg, no wonder the made bastard of a thing tries to throw your arse in the gutter at every turn. . .

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