Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Johnny's Trike. . .

 Funny thing about Johnny, if he ever see's you walking aroung with a camera in your hand he tells you to get to buggery with that effing thing, but if there has been something new added to his trike he's yelling out, "Hey Bruce where's your camera?"
Huge guards all ready to cover up those huge bloody tyres, only got to work out how to hang them in place now? A lot of work in these guards, you can see where they were split down the middle and a 6inch section added to widen them. A lot of precision welding and grinding to get them to this stage, they still have to be filled, ground and painted before they will be ready for use. Try telling that to the madman, he will have them covered in water and mud and rusted up inside a week if he gets his way!

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