Tuesday 3 September 2013

A Grubby Act . . .

How's this for a grubby act? Boss decides that it's time to take his lovely wife and kids on a long overdue holiday. Nothing wrong with that you say? Dave and Dylan have got their wages and holiday pay and a bonus each? Yep, nothing wrong with that, correct! But what about your trusted scribe and photographer to the stars? He gets told to piss off for a week and don't be seen loitering around the car-park. How cruel is that?
Now the Irony. . .
Boss has spent a small fortune, large fortune by anyone else's standards, on getting his lovely family up to the Sunshine Coast and onto the 16th floor so that they can get a 180degree view of the sun. Weather report for Sunshine coast is fine and sunny with 24'C and the weather report for Ballarat is fine and sunny with 26'C. Hahahahaha, I'm laughing my fucking head off, tell me not to loiter around the car-park?
I'm gonna get sunburnt on Sunday and be sick on Monday, I'll teach him to piss off and leave me behind!
So folks, no more reports until either Baldy gets back from his holiday, or I get over my sunburn. . . .

Your trusted scribe and photographer to the stars. . .

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