Monday 12 May 2014

Thought for the day . . .

If you want to be a leader, then first you must learn to follow. . .

My fellow Bloggers, allow me to take a knee and beg forgiveness for the lack of any suitable updates for today. Alas, I vacated the workshop of The Lord Hodges sans camera and now I have no fucking pictures for your perusal. Although if you happen to own a certain '34 Pick-up then the news is good because Dave has been toiling away reconfiguring your exhaust headers so that they clear the steering shaft and now you will be able to guide your trusty steed through the forests of Rottingham. Good news also for a Squire that goes by the nom de plume, Ziggy. Lord Hodgey has spent the day playing cut and paste and has come up with a set of templates that loosely resemble the windows of your gallant steed 'Studie' and he has delivered said templates to the glazier for the windows, to keep the weather at bay . . .
Hopefully pictures will follow tomorrow . . .

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