Friday 4 April 2014

Great News Fellow Bloggers. . .

The good news is that the big fella has gotten through the surgery successfully and is now on the long road to recovery, it was great to hear his voice on the phone.
Now as you would obviously realise, not all things run smoothly and in this case there were a few hiccups also. Firstly the Hospital now has 3 female nursing staff off on sick-leave, all with abdominal hernias from trying to roll the big beast from trolley to operating table and back again.
Now because of the delicate nature/location of the operation, there was a certain amount of manscaping to be undertaken before the surgeon was able to locate the general area and begin prodding and poking. Now this 'small' briar patch could only be described as unkempt and overgrown and there was no posibility of anything short of a McCulloch chain saw required to get the area trimmed back. After about 15minutes of heavy manscaping the male orderly started to giggle and when asked as to why he promptly pointed and stated that he had found a little red-headed toad stool growing in amongst the undergrowth.
After such a successful result, you could be forgiven for thinking that everyone would be full of happiness and good cheer? But there is one individual who isn't quite so excited by the result, because now he will have to pay his bill. . .Hahahaha pay up Gazza!

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